KALEIDOSCOPE (UK): Tangerine Dream LP
London-based psychedelic folk quartet Kaleidoscope formed as the Sidekicks in 1964, changing their name to the Key the following year. By the time they signed Fontana for the 1967 debut album Tangerine Dream, their choral pop harmonies were stronger and the musicianship more accomplished, the distinctly English folk undercurrents more pronounced. A favorite of Spaceman 3 and other connoisseurs of neglected psych, originals of this rare gem now change hands at extortionate prices and the work has aged like a vintage wine, the unjustly overlooked classic now rightly feted.
A1. Kaleidoscope
A2. Please Excuse My Face
A3. Dive Into Yesterday
A4. Mr. Small, The Watch Repairer Man
A5. Flight From Ashiya
A6. The Murder Of Lewis Tollani
B1. (Further Reflections) In The Room Of Percussion
B2. Dear Nellie Goodrich
B3. Holidaymaker
B4. A Lesson, Perhaps
B5. The Sky Children