
In the distant future, humanity has been forced to leave Earth and migrate to another galaxy. A spacecraft is sent to a planet to terraform it and the crew is created one by one by a biological 3D printer. However, a fatal error occurs during the creation of one of the members. The crew then begins to encounter a series of unpredictable events.

A terrifying space horror story from the mind of Hirotaka Adachi (Otsuichi) with character designs by Final Fantasy’s Yoshitaka Amano, the Netflix anime series ‘exception’ features original score music by Academy Award and Grammy-winning composer Ryuichi Sakamoto. Ranging from stunning, otherworldly orchestral pieces to haunting electronic soundscapes, the vinyl edition of the soundtrack highlights twenty-seven tracks from Sakamoto’s expansive original score for the outerspace saga. This vinyl release comes pressed on two solar red colored LPs housed in a gatefold package featuring original art from the series.

  • Pressed on red double vinyl
  • Housed in a gatefold package

01. Opening for "Exception"
02. Beginning
03. Atmospheric Transformer
04. The Monster
05. Monster Cry
06. A Message to Self / Funeral
07. A Painful Memory
08. Butterfly
09. Atmosphere Transformer Plant
10. X10 Land Drones
11. Memory Accident
12. Suicidal
13. Detaching
14. Hostage
15. Justification
16. Operating the Drone
17. Hangar - Hole
18. Reunion
19. Falling
20. Pod Landing
21. Alone on X10
22. Ship Launches
23. Fight
24. Re-printing
25. Oxygen
26. Rebirth
27. Ending for "Exception"

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