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Scare Flair Records is honored to be releasing the Ryan Perez-Daple score for the biggest fan film ever made - Never Hike Alone! Never Hike Alone is the extremely popular Friday the 13th fan film series that has gotten rave reviews from the rabid F13 fan base and has now been viewed over 5 million times on YouTube.
Never Hike Alone (2017) was written, produced, and directed by Vincente DiSante of Womp Stomp Films. The film stars Andrew Leighty as a hiker who accidently hikes into Camp Crystal Lake and has a full-on faceoff with Ghost Jason, also played by Vincente DiSanti. Friday the 13th alumni Thom Matthews also makes a very special appearance.
The score is filled with memorable cues that are reminiscent of Harry Manfredini’s masterful work on the original series, but steps away enough to have its own identity. Fans will rejoice at the call backs, but also relish at the new direction that this score takes the fandom. Also includes tracks by Trevor Vaughn and the Damn Enchiladas.
01. Never Hike Alone Suite / Death March
02. Night Time in the Forest
03. Day Two
04. The Unmarked Trail
05. No Trespassing
06. The Lake
07. Welcome to Camp Crystal Lake
08. Steve Christie's Office
09. Ribbon #6 (Marcie)
10. Into the Main Hall
11. Opossum in the Chimney
12. Ribbon #3 (Steve Christie)
13. The Legend of Jason Voorhees
14. 1Join Me
15. Ribbon #2 (Jack & Ned)
16. Ribbon #5 (Brenda)
17. Into the Attic
18. Jason's Bedroom
19. Jason Attacks
20. Cornered on the Trail
21. Ribbon #4 (Bill)
22. Back to Camp
23. Sewing Wounds
24. No Escape Part 1
25. No Escape Part 2
26. Final Showdown
27. Ribbon #1 (Pamela)
28. Ambulance Nightmare
29. Son of a Bitch (I Knew It)
30. Not Over Yet
31. Run Like Hell
32. Another Soul