
Godzilla Singular Point is a 2022 Anime kaiju series that follows engineer Yun Arikawa and graduate student Mei Kamino as they are drawn together by a mysterious song. Their investigations lead to a fight against forces that may threaten the entire world. Featuring fan favorites like Jet Jaguar, Rodan, and Anguirus, Godzilla Singular Point swings between science fiction, Japanese mythology, and ferocious kaiju battles fans have come to expect from the Godzilla franchise!

Character design was handled by Blue Exorcist manga creator Kazue Kato, with former Studio Ghibli animator Eiji Yamamori designing the monsters.

The score composed by famed Japanese composer Kan Sawada is a lavishly produced composition full of bombastic orchestra driven cues, evoking the intense action of the kaiju terror. Electronic elements are also brought into the mix to accent the futuristic, science fiction nature of the story. Sawada utilizes a variety of instruments and voices to pay his respects to the earlier Showa era films, while creating something uniquely new and original.

Waxwork Records is excited to present the full soundtrack to the 13 episode Godzilla Singular Point Anime series as a deluxe 2xLP set. Featuring 180 gram Jet Jaguar colored vinyl, heavyweight gatefold jackets with matte satin coating, original artwork from the series, a 12"x12" art print, and more!

GODZILLA SINGULAR POINT Original Soundtrack from the Netflix Anime Series Features:

  • The Complete Soundtrack by composer Kan Sawada
  • 180 Gram 2xLP "Jet Jaguar" Swirl Colored Vinyl
  • Heavyweight Gatefold Jackets with Matte Satin Coating
  • Original Artwork from the Anime Series
  • 12"x12" Art Print

01. ALAPU UPALA -Popular Song Version-
03. Strange MISAKIOKU
04. Guess
05. I'm PELOPS II!
06. Otaki's Sortie
07. The Approaching Monsters
09. I'm PELOPS II! -Heartwarming version-
10. Each Combat Readiness
11. ALAPU UPALA -Choir version-
12. GODZILLA Main Title -Prologue-
13. Awakening Of Monsters
14. Collective Monster RODAN
15. Appearance Of Monsters
16. There Is The Answer
17. I'm PELOPS II! -Intelligence Level Up version-
18. Fighting Youth
20. ALAPU UPALA -Requiem version-
21. ASHIHARA Catastrophe
22. New Monster SALUNGA
23. Monster Great Battle's Gong
24. Red Dust
25. Future Sight Monster ANGUIRUS
26. Singularpoint
27. ALAPU UPALA -Unknown Future version-
28. All-Out Attack Of Humankind
29. GODZILLA Main Title -Singularpoint-
30. GODZILLA's Theme -Singularpoint-

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