Following last month’s warm reception to our premier episode, The Spacetoonz Cinemix Video Show returns with Episode 2 — delving deeper into the annals of movie Soundtracks and cult cinema.
Not only do we honor Black History Month with a tribute to Blaxploitation Cinema, we also celebrate Franco February paying tribute to the King of Euro-Sleaze, Jess Franco.
VAMPYROS LESBOS | The Lions And The Cucumber - Manfred Hubler & Siegfried Schwab
A VIRGIN AMONG THE LIVING DEAD | Una Vergine Tra I Morti Viventi Seq 21 (Spacetoonz Edit) - Bruno Nicolai
BLOODY MOON | Holiday Feeling - Gerhard Heinz
SUPERFLY/ BLACK CEASAR - Lord Of The Bronx - Broken Lamps
ACROSS 110th STREET | Across 110th Street (Instrumental) - Bobby Womack & J.J. Johnson
DANGER DIABOLIK | Escape From Butcher Beach - Broken Lamps
REVENGE | Revenge - Rob
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