Lethal Ethan's MAUSOLEUM (Episode 10)
Episode Track List
Alain Goraguer- Ten Est Assome
Richard Hill- Sisters of the Moon
Orchester Andre Popp- Sweet Mary
Nola Fontaine- Can't Explain It
Tuca- Oui Je Suis Heureuse
Marsha Hunt- Oh No Not The Beast Day
Paolo Ferrara- Robot Sound
Raymond Scott- Baltimore Gas & Electric Co.
Jimmi Green- The Robot
Jackson Jones- Feel Good
Alien- Around the World In 80 Seconds
Christian Bruhn- Tweedle Dee Und Tweedle Dum
J.P. Decerf- Reincarnation/ Vision of the Slav Dancer
Mario Balaguer- Patio Andaluz
Ambar Connection- Hang Glider
Camaleon- Batucada
Jawbone- King Kong
Placebo- Balek
Dj Muggs- Liber Null 777
Chandra- Kate
Joyce- Sweet Dreams